Romania will repair its future Abrams tanks in Poland, which enters directly into the top 4 countries with the most Abrams tanks in the world

S.I. Catalin |
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M1A2 SEP v3 Abrams Main Battle Tank. Source: U.S. Air Force 340th Flying Training Group official website.
M1A2 SEP v3 Abrams Main Battle Tank. Source: U.S. Air Force 340th Flying Training Group official website.

Romania will purchase 54 American Abrams tanks in use by the U.S. Army. But the repair process will be carried out in Poland, which is in the process of developing an Abrams maintenance hub.

At a defence event in Poland, one of the vice presidents of US giant General Dynamics Land Systems welcomed Poland's entry into the ranks of states operating Abrams tanks. Programme directions were discussed, but importantly, according to Polish publication Defence24, preliminary data on the construction of an Abrams tank service centre on Polish soil was presented. The Polish defence industry is also involved in the process.

According to the source, this cooperation concerns not only the Abrams tanks to be used in the Polish Army, but also the US Army tanks deployed on Polish territory, as well as those of other countries, with the Poles giving the example of Romania. The implementation of such a centre will turn Poland into a hub for US Abrams tanks. The centre will serve repairs and ancillary equipment such as mobile bridges used by Abrams tanks.

Within the framework of the "Main Battle Tank" programme, the Romanian Ministry of National Defence has started the procedures for the purchase of 54 American Abrams tanks. The purchase will be made through a G2G (Government to Government) procedure.

DefenseRomania announced a few months before that Romania's choice would be Abrams, and there is even a letter of intent that Romania has signed for this purchase. At the time, there was no information on the number of tanks.

General Teodor Incicaș was the first Romanian Army official to say that Abrams would be purchased at battalion level. 


Poland goes straight into the top 4 countries with the most Abrams tanks in the world


Poland has officially announced two packages for the purchase of US Abrams tanks. The latest announcement covers 116 tanks in service. But the acquisition comes after the contract for 250 Abrams in the most modern version - Abrams M1A2 SEPv3 - was signed. 

After this second batch of 116 tanks, Poland will become one of the main users of Abrams, and is on the verge of overtaking Saudi Arabia. 

Most Abrams tanks are obviously owned by the US, with more than 8,000 tanks in all versions in service with all force structures, and by Egypt, which owns more than 1,300 such US tanks.

The Polish Armed Forces have opted for the most modern version of the American M1A2 SEPv3 tank, equipped with the famous Trophy protection system. 

The Trophy active protection system detects enemy fire, calculates the angle and time of impact and fires a rain of buckshot at the projectile. The range is small so as not to endanger infantry, and the system is effective against anti-tank missiles, RPGs and similar projectiles.



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