Romania intends to buy two French Scorpene submarines for 2 billion euros

S.I. Catalin |
Data publicării:
Submarin francez din clasa Scorpene. Sursă foto: Naval Group
Submarin francez din clasa Scorpene. Sursă foto: Naval Group

The Romanian Parliament has approved the purchase of two Scorpene submarines produced by French giant Naval Group. According to official documents, Romania will also purchase two second-hand but upgraded mine-hunting vessels through a G2G (government-to-government) agreement with the UK.

As for the submarines, the programme will run for eight years and is estimated to be worth 2bn €. Romania will buy two French Scorpene submarines.

The officially named "Submarine against surface and underwater threats" procurement programme includes, in addition to the Scorpene submarines and torpedoes, logistical support, maintenance and test and cryptographic equipment, support and personnel training service, including combat use.

The two Scorpene submarines for Romania will be built by the French company Naval Group, which is also involved in the "Multipurpose Corvette" programme. In 2019, the partnership between Constanta Shipyard and Naval Group was declared the winner and the French were expected to build four corvettes in Romania.

For financial reasons and deep disagreements between Constanta Shipyard and Naval Group from France, there is a deadlock. Despite the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) inviting the joint venture several times to sign the contract, this did not happen.


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