EU anti-Iran sanctions approach in shambles, Tehran now without assistance anymore

Cyril Widdershoven |
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Un al doilea episod din analiza partenerului nostru Cyril Widdershoven (VEROCY) ne propune tema relațiilor dintre Uniunea Europeană și Iran. Pe fundalul tensionat al sancțiunilor economice americane, care au intrat în vigoare, Uniunea Europeană are nevoie de toată forța să diplomatică pentru a nu pierde Iranul ca partener dar si pentru a nu irita SUA. Măsurile draconice luate de către guvernul american crează o stare de profund disconfort si masivă îngrijorare. Cyril Widdershoven ne prezintă acest balet politic care este abia la început.

The impact of the US sanctions on Iran are still to be assessed, as major underlying factors are unclear yet. OPEC’s current fear of an oil glut in 2019, as indicated by investment banks, IEA, EIA and others, could maybe not materialize. Market fundamentals are still strong, especially taking into account that US refineries are coming back to the market soon, after a period of maintenance and revamps, while Iranian floating oil will end soon as sanctions are going to hit. Still, one of Iran’s major lifelines could be the current EU approach, which is largely trying to mitigate the effects of US sanctions on European companies and financial operators. The rosy future painted by EU officials however shows severe cracks, while reality on the ground is extremely bleak.

European efforts to protect trade with Iran, as an answer to block US sanctions, are hitting a brick wall. European politicians seem to be out of touch with reality not only in the real market but also with the attitude of several of its member countries. European politicians, mostly working from their shiny offices in Brussels and Strasbourg, seem to be living in an ivory tower, as no real practical support for all their measures has been shown in the respective member states.  The last factor showing the demise of the EU Iran approach is the fact that NO European country is willing to host a so-called Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) as they fear the wrath of the USA. Washington’s influence in real politics and markets is still much larger on a global and even bilateral stage than Brussels wants to admit.  Leading European powers – Great Britain, Germany and France – are currently putting pressure on minor league EU member Luxembourg to host the SPV. The latter however is already doomed, as not only is the impact of London on Luxembourg minimal, but the small EU member can hide behind the refusal of Austria to host the SPV too. Brussels is keeping up a brave face, but it seems to be very likely that most Eastern European and Balkan member countries also will not be backing the SPV plans, while Italy and Spain are still in limbo. Statements made by EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova that the EU cannot accept that a foreign power takes decisions over our legitimate trade with another country, seem to be very hollow and empty.

The SPV at present is seen as the lynchpin in the EU moves to save not only their trade with Iran but also the overall JCPOA agreement, in which the EU is partner. At present, Brussels and its main supporters, Paris and Berlin, are trying to keep the JCPOA agreement in place, risking a direct confrontation not only with the US but with most of the Arab world. The SPV has been set up as a kind of clearing house that could be used to help match Iranian oil and gas exports against purchases of EU goods in an effective barter arrangement circumventing U.S. sanctions. The main issue European companies are facing with Iran are currently based on the position of the US dollar in international trade.

Even with a full EU support, the SPV, according to most analysts, will not prevent EU companies and banks from US sanctions. These will be hefty, for sure much more than the current Iran-EU trade volumes could counter.

A possible failure of the EU SPV proposal would for sure heat up the market very soon. Iran’s main lifeline at present is very weak, Asian markets still are taking Iranian crude and products, but seem to be heading to zero when the current US waivers will end. At the same time, the effects of the decision by international financial system SWIFT not to allow any-more deals with Iran already has put an almost full stop to European trade.

For Iran, the future is looking dark. An European failure would be seen as the last stone pulled out under the JCPOA agreement. An Iranian reaction to this will be for sure very hard, possibly strengthening the hard-liners in Tehran for the short term. Military reactions of proxy Iranian forces could be expected very soon.

For the oil market it could be, taking the position of the devil’s advocate, a blessing. More clarity on Iranian volumes and possibilities of circumventing the US sanctions, is necessary to assess the perceived oil glut scenarios. OPEC’s leaders will already be taking this into account to set up a production cut agreement early December in Vienna. Iran’s detrimental position will be obvious at that date, leaving Saudi Arabia, Russia, UAE and others, more clear maneuver space to pro-actively block a real oil glut in 2019. Fundamentals are at present diffuse, but once Europe’s position is clear one large destabilizing factor is removed with a bang.

The fact that already some major Iranian oil importers in Asia have been very compliant to US threats, such as South Korea, should be a sign that even without a multilateral sanctions approach, Washington is still able to wreak havoc for Iran. The last it has been reported that South Korea imported no Iranian crude in October for a second straight month due to the re-imposition of US sanctions. For the first 10 months of 2018 South Korea’s Iran crude imports halved in real terms. South Korea is also having a waiver from the US in place, but reality seems to be different. 


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